jennkr: stolen
jennkr: centerpiece
jennkr: the couple, still engaged
jennkr: story-telling
jennkr: my over the shoulder look is catching on
jennkr: Emily and friends
jennkr: action shot, my table
jennkr: the younger Kim sisters
jennkr: hangin' with some Busbys
jennkr: cousins!
jennkr: showing me her dance moves
jennkr: some more Brocks
jennkr: girls
jennkr: Rehearsal dinner conversing
jennkr: Big Brock, Little Brock
jennkr: boetie and Laur-Laur
jennkr: sister shot
jennkr: the couple on wedding-eve
jennkr: mmm... breakfast pastries
jennkr: first gift of the day
jennkr: so good, i had to take a photo
jennkr: Ivy Inn, you were good to us
jennkr: a nice day for hanging out
jennkr: gathered for a historical tour
jennkr: Mary Tanner
jennkr: getting prettied-up for the tour
jennkr: Lawn!
jennkr: taking a call on the lawn
jennkr: crawling up the rotunda stairs
jennkr: a little summer lawn football