jennkr: "Lest you forget"
jennkr: my mom, about 10 years old
jennkr: college portrait - my mom
jennkr: college portrait - my dad
jennkr: my parents
jennkr: I come from a people of fashion
jennkr: Lauren's 3rd Birthday
jennkr: Halloween, 1982
jennkr: "scratch the dogs"
jennkr: Biscuit meets Brock
jennkr: awesomeness
jennkr: Halloween, 1979
jennkr: Christmas past
jennkr: an 80's Christmas
jennkr: 40 years earlier...
jennkr: frat boy
jennkr: around... 1970?
jennkr: my mom, frolicking on the beach
jennkr: in honor of mother's day...
jennkr: me & Grandaddy