jennkr: hi, Maria!
jennkr: stylin' bride
jennkr: getting fancy
jennkr: a relaxed bride
jennkr: lounging bridesmaids
jennkr: waiting
jennkr: the wedding site
jennkr: My view.
jennkr: do-ta-do
jennkr: pale lavender
jennkr: more flowers.
jennkr: the young people gather by the pool
jennkr: Robert and Kimmy
jennkr: stadium seating
jennkr: mother of the bride
jennkr: waiting parents
jennkr: LP
jennkr: the wedding party
jennkr: watching the bride walk
jennkr: Maria, the bride
jennkr: Mr. Evans
jennkr: these vows are funny
jennkr: pouring the sand
jennkr: the newlywed exit
jennkr: maria & will
jennkr: Edit!
jennkr: pretty place