Labhraidh Lonsech:
Famine monument
The Famine Sculpture
Eastern Davy:
Famine Memorial Dublin.
James Gann:
Italy is beautiful. It's a fact. When I think of the great regions of Italy, I think of the Dolomites, the Alps, Piemonte, Friuli, Tuscany - you know, the normal stuff. Then we went to Abruzzo, and I realized my list was incomplete.
Tro-Bro Léon is a UCI 1.1 race over some of Brittany's worst roads. Perched at the very tip of the far northwestern corner of France, it's a world apart. Some call it the mini Roubaix, but that comparison does this race a grave injustice. It's better than
I didn't take this picture: @ashleygruber did. If you like it, you should follow her. If you've liked our shots this spring, you should check out the piece we did at on our favorite images from the cobbled classics!
If I can't have cobbles anymore, that's fine, I will just have to settle for the dirt farm tracks of one of my favorite races of the year, Tro-Bro Léon. We talked for a long time about whether it was best to shoot Amstel over TBL - on a professional level
Because bike races roll by the bakery window while we are eating breakfast, and a little kid runs alongside them yelling in happiness. Another reason to love Flanders.
9W Magazine:
Red Hook Crit