chriax: 2017-08-10_11-45-32
chriax: 2017-07-08_02-04-36
chriax: 2017-07-08_02-03-59
chriax: Last year's Baybeats
chriax: Iced Caramel Macchiato Affogato. I love how the espresso slowly blends with caramel and milk. Had a strong coffee taste when you sip from the upper part of the cup but creamy when sipped from the bottom.
chriax: hobby | addiction
chriax: Soaked
chriax: Nagsasa Team
chriax: Nagsasa Cove
chriax: Talking Rocks
chriax: Bangui Windmills
chriax: Burnay Jars
chriax: Battered Sneakers
chriax: Calle Crisologo
chriax: Aom
chriax: Batad Rice Terraces
chriax: Batad Rice Terraces
chriax: Tappia Falls
chriax: Anonymous
chriax: Alice in Wonderland
chriax: Nikon SB-600
chriax: Red Sneakers
chriax: Power Hug!
chriax: Murakami's Norwegian Wood
chriax: Magellan's Cross
chriax: Chocolate Hills
chriax: Choco Klao