Perilsoftheliving: Palm Altar to Flowing Wisdom
Perilsoftheliving: An Altar to the Heart of All The things
Perilsoftheliving: Never Forgotten
Perilsoftheliving: The Sweet Blessing of Obstacles
Perilsoftheliving: Jai Ganesha
Perilsoftheliving: I feel so very honored everytime my words or art finds their way out into this world. Recently one of my poems has been published in this second anthology of poetry by the #JourneyOfTheHeart project, you can find it on Amazon. Also my art found it's way i
Perilsoftheliving: {Belonging to Presence} The Holy is everywhere, all these little altars inside and out, natural or made. All we have to do is inhabit ourselves, open our eyes and heart. I took a pause to soak in this morning's altar to presence, a patchwork sky. We conne
Perilsoftheliving: Simple Treasures
Perilsoftheliving: Flower of Life
Perilsoftheliving: An Altar to the Wisdom gained through experience. An Altar to the struggles and challenges that might seem at first like adversaries, but that are actually guides and teachers to Wisdom. An Altar to the Truth within that Wisdom shines a light upon. Bless
Perilsoftheliving: #FullMoon + Venus and Jupiter in the sky tonight. As #Kali continues to speak loudly to me, I ride this creative wave. The spark has been lit. I've been carving stamps, stringing prayers together and contemplating the flames of transformation. All things
Perilsoftheliving: {An invocation to Kali}
Perilsoftheliving: In a whirlwind of inspiration, I've completed my third #MiniZine. Honoring the small, and all the little things that make up the bigger ones. #HolyTheSmall #EveryDaySacred
Perilsoftheliving: {In the garden of #Shadows and #Light}
Perilsoftheliving: {An altar for the #Sun} "Step into that fire wholeheartedly... Your essence is renewed in the flame, for it is flame and knows itself as flame since the first heartbeat of creation." #TheRadianceSutras #Agni #LittleAltarsEverywhere
Perilsoftheliving: #NewMoon sweetgrass blessings & a prayer for renewal. "Step into that #Fire wholeheartedly, starting with the big toe, then surrendering everywhere. Only the not-self, which doesn't exist anyway, Burns Away." #TheRadianceSutras #IntoTheFire
Perilsoftheliving: {Sunday Gospel}
Perilsoftheliving: Holy The Small
Perilsoftheliving: {An altar for all the Mothers} Past, present and future; you are always in our hearts. Boundless gratitude for your Love and Devotion. And for our Mother Gaia who cares for us all with her every breath. ‪#‎AllMothers‬ ‪#‎LittleAltarsEverywhere‬
Perilsoftheliving: Sun, River, Rock and Wind - There is blessing here. An initiation into a new beginning with this #NewMoon in Aries. #AlwaysBeginning #AlwaysSacred #AlwaysHoly "There is blessing here. Let the swoon carry you into the arms of divine consciousness. This is
Perilsoftheliving: "Steadily consider/Back, root, Heart/And know the living body of vastness that you are." #RadianceSutras Rereading this passage as I reflect on my time here in this physical plane, my Heart spills over with gratitude. And I look towards the year ahead and
Perilsoftheliving: Resurrection
Perilsoftheliving: {A morning #Prayer} May every step I take today be an offering of Love. May my unfolding Heart continue to open further to let the whole world fit inside. Jai! Let it all be done with Love. #ItsAllLove
Perilsoftheliving: "To pray you open your whole self. To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon. To one whole voice that is you. And know there is more that you can't see, can't hear; can't know except in moments steadily growing, and in languages that aren't always sound but other
Perilsoftheliving: a prayer for the unfolding #light: great spirit and all unseen, help me to always seek visions of world beauty, to excavate the darkness with a wide open heart and unfold out into the light with ease and grace. {be soft ~ tread lightly} #weareseasons #lit
Perilsoftheliving: #newmoon beginnings - as i work on my third zine. {reverence} which is to #see the holiness in all things. #eyesee #everydaysacred
Perilsoftheliving: night and day... every moment your #sadhana. "wherever, whenever you feel carried away, rejoice in every breath. there, there is your meditation hall. nowhere is more holy than this. right here is the sacred pilgrimage." #theradiancesutras #everydaysacred
Perilsoftheliving: Reflecting
Perilsoftheliving: #Reflecting on the ordinary, the sacred, and the perceived gap {in-between}.
Perilsoftheliving: Calm Meditation