Jenna Belle: IMG_1577
Jenna Belle: Candy & Cookie
Jenna Belle: Coooooookie
Jenna Belle: IMG_1572
Jenna Belle: IMG_1581
Jenna Belle: Cookie and Candy jump for treats
Jenna Belle: DogPopcorn
Jenna Belle: Cookie Sunbathing_10-2011
Jenna Belle: Not quite the right Cookie in the Cookie Jar!
Jenna Belle: Cookies heart on her back :)
Jenna Belle: IMG_0034
Jenna Belle: Cookie is afraid of the iPhone :( she was sitting so cute & gets so sad & shy when I try to take her pic
Jenna Belle: Cookie the TFT sleeps on a bag of clothes rather than the 3 open dog beds
Jenna Belle: Best buds :)