Jenna Belle: image000000
Jenna Belle: IMG_3756
Jenna Belle: Ozma setlist 2003
Jenna Belle: Daniel_1
Jenna Belle: Ryen_1
Jenna Belle: Jose_1
Jenna Belle: Daniel_2
Jenna Belle: Ryen and Starr
Jenna Belle: Ozma at the Intersection_2003
Jenna Belle: Dinner!
Jenna Belle: Oh Biscuit.... you can't hang out in the recycle bin & lick the cat food bag. Called his name to get him to come inside & his little head popped up! Such a goof!
Jenna Belle: She hates me... but she was stinky!
Jenna Belle: Who knew I'd be so terrible at hand lettering! But at least I have something to do for awhile.... #howtohandlettertogether
Jenna Belle: Mr. Biscuit chillin on @jeseeee leg
Jenna Belle: Crappy photo, cute moment. Little man has his paw on HIS (not Pixel's) toy.
Jenna Belle: Decided to color rather than clean....
Jenna Belle: 3 in a row... also why I haven't showered yet. Snuggle puppies.
Jenna Belle: This hot mess has my heart.... #lp #weirdpaintedrockIvebeentoolazytorelocate
Jenna Belle: Getting my hair did....
Jenna Belle: Are you kidding me? #toocute
Jenna Belle: Pixel's bff Winston is here again, they're already playing & it melts my heart because Pixel is usually an asshole to dogs bigger than her.
Jenna Belle: How has this goof not got a single application? #waganimalrescue #adoptable #biscuit I've gotta revamp his bio tomorrow!
Jenna Belle: Always sleeping with a smile! #biscuit #adoptable #waganimalrescue
Jenna Belle: Baby No Neck #ohpixel
Jenna Belle: Awwwww. Kennedy's auntie @mellabelle33 gifted me this beautiful picture/plaque. I love knowing you & Ray went through & found just the right photo to remember her by. I'm crying now that you left!
Jenna Belle: These two are playing so well together & its hilarious. #ohpixel
Jenna Belle: Action shot of #adoptable Biscuit playing with a frozen stuffed @kongcompany toy... he's a big fan!
Jenna Belle: The most beautiful gift arrived today & brought me to tears. Thank you so much Teri, I am forever grateful for this amazing reminder of my girl. You are so talented!
Jenna Belle: Kennedy's home :(
Jenna Belle: RIP Sweet Kdoggg my heart is broken from saying goodbye to you, the world will never be the same without you here. I love you more than I can say.