~Cristy~: Hello :)
kadiwow: film
Lisa*G: Sunrise... view from my back yard on Sigsbee Park.
Lisa*G: Sunset from the Navy Pier
Lisa*G: Excuse me while I kiss the sky..
DesireeH: wee!!!
{leah}: as she speaks of doggies and creatures that say meow
olnavarro: IMG_1214
.summer.: blogged3
Marmalade_Photography: You Gotta Spend Some Time Love...
kadiwow: wind makes you laugh
miss.bailey: how lovely
~Cristy~: Bedtime
tammyswales: {ditto}
Lisa Røstøen | Fotografix Studios: Hip Hurra--it's Summer!
{leah}: new friends
{leah}: he led the others with a quack quack quack