JenJenJohn35: Life is so precious, enjoy the simple little things x
JenJenJohn35: A sprinkle of magic dust, make a wish.....
JenJenJohn35: I don't share your greed, the only card I need is......the ace of spades
JenJenJohn35: Be unique, be you x
JenJenJohn35: The long walk home....
JenJenJohn35: Capturing the sun
JenJenJohn35: Be free and cycle on the winds of time....
JenJenJohn35: The streets of Bolsena
JenJenJohn35: Surfing dreams..
JenJenJohn35: The Streets of Pisa
JenJenJohn35: Gloucester Docks
JenJenJohn35: Gloucester Docks
JenJenJohn35: Tranquility (Lake Bolsena, Italy)
JenJenJohn35: Calm before the storm
JenJenJohn35: Up up and away
JenJenJohn35: Frozen in time
JenJenJohn35: Reflections
JenJenJohn35: Loving life!
JenJenJohn35: Trees of life
JenJenJohn35: It's been a while but I'll be back on here in waves, whenever time is on my side. I did have a free moment this morning and set myself a challenge, I wanted to photograph something simple and turn it into something special....I hope I have achieved this?
JenJenJohn35: The look of wonder...
JenJenJohn35: Wriggly toes