I love details when building costumes and I'm no different when it comes to creating a character. My July 26-28 and August 25-27 (Tomorrow!!!!) Starcruiser character, Soni, was 15 or 16 when she lied about her age to serve under Moff Gideon. After she was
One last time! It still doesn't seem real that friends invited me to join them for one last voyage on the Halcyon, but here we are on the plane for the August 25-27, 2023 voyage 😮. I'm beyond grateful and and excited to play Soni (and capture
My porg, Precioussssss Loy, was sent to Narkina 5 for stealing the one ring you really shouldn't steal. (It's gold and engraved). We’re not really sure how we ended up on the Halcyon, but what we do know is that there is one way out! And if you enjoy br
May all your plans be successful today. Thank you @vcchace for capturing my moment of triumph!
Stark and I completed another 0.6 miles of the @togetherasone5k today! And maybe it was because of the extra treats I’ve been giving him or maybe it’s because my mom joined us, but I don’t think he was spying on me for the First Order today. Mom needs to
One of my absolute favorite things about conventions is when you run into someone you haven’t seen for years. (And considering how many different characters I am I’m always impressed when people who met me as someone else recognize me) What a treat to
“It seems we’re on opposite sides. You’ll come around.” Well I’d THOUGHT Soni was doing a good job of maintaining her cover on Batuu after her relaxing and uneventful voyage on the Halcyon, but it didn’t take long for the Supreme Leader to see right thro
Stark and Soni are getting ready to tackle a little of the #togetherasone5k ! They both have enough standard years under their belts that they’re going to take it slow. Should Soni be concerned that Stark seems to be wearing a dramatic black scarf? @toge
When one of my FAVORITE Star Wars authors, @ek_johnston , approached me about making her a Leia saber cane like mine, I was honored. However, considering she literally wrote the book on Ahsoka, I knew there was no way I could resist making her an #AhsokaT
Heading to #FanExpoBoston today, where I’ll pretty much live at the booth for the local Star Wars groups. Pictures are free, but we are raising money for Make a Wish. Please come by and say hi! My first shift off the day will be at the PR table, so I’m ha
That is definitely not the smile of someone who spent her cruise on the Halcyon spying on the First Order for the Resistance. Soni doesn’t even know how to spell sspye. And she’s totally For the Order, yeah. The CSL Portrait session Photography teams ar
@mkatecarrigan and I were 100% there for the Order. And I definitely didn’t bring snacks to watch the Lieutenant interrogate her mom. #ForTheOrder #starwarsgalacticstarcruiser #galaxysedge #batuu
Might have a little snack for Chewie. I mean friend. A little friend. Definitely not food. #porg #porgsofinstagram #porgsarefriendsnotfood #porgsarefoodnotfriends
John helped make sure I got all the pictures with Chewie ☺️ #selfieswithjohn
I might need someone to cover this song and replace “the hook” with “The Force.” It was playing outside at my resort the morning after I disembarked from the Halcyon and let’s just say it really resonated. Highly recommend hugs from Chewie to help with
Some of us have mastered the art of leaning and smouldering. Others are still taking lessons. #galacticstarcruiserhalcyon #galacticstarcruiser #halcyon
Forgot how much I love the skyliner. On my way to Batuu! #galaxysedgedisneyworld
“You never forget your first ship.” I still don’t have words after my final voyage on the Halcyon, but I do have many pictures. #CaptainKeevan #SK620 #StarWarsGalacticStarcruiser #Halcyon #galacticstarcruiser @starwars #SK
We disembarked this morning, and it’s going to take me some time to pull my thoughts out of my brain after my final Galactic Starcruiser voyage, and to even begin to express my gratitude to so many of you. But for now, what I can say is that I am gratefu
Up until yesterday, at the @fourpointssingapore , I can’t even remember the last time I’ve gotten sick from gluten. I’m so sensitive to cross-contamination, but I am extremely careful and I research everywhere I eat. I’ve been having such wonderful luck
While I bonded with the amazing #GalacticStarcruiser #stormtroopers over a shared passion for fashionable footwear I kept going back to them and giving them more and more presents because they were such a delight. Originally I'd offered them each one of
Ive been so busy packing for other trips that I havent had a chance to go through all my Starcruiser pictures but I looked at a couple from #Batuu . . . I went double agent on this voyage and had a lot of fun with it on the datapad missions even thought
Yes Supreme Leader of course Im TOTALLY loyal to the First Order and would NEVER even THINK of spying for the Resistance. My lightsaber cane and hairstyle and color scheme are ABSOLUTELY in no way an homage to your mother and these arm wraps are in no wa
You might say I'm a REALLY big fan of Galactic Superstar Gaya so I wanted to celebrate her with an accessory for my upcoming cruise. I lost the screws from my original Halcyon magic band while working on this but this sizing holds the back of the puck hol
I wanted a Star Wars-themed version of the class DisneyWorld "I'm Celebrating" button. These are for Chandrila Star Line but hopefully folks will come up with other versions! Printed with: And using for th
If you like making things I just modified a thingiverse file to put my magic band puck from my #halcyon trip last August into a puck holder bracelet inspired by the S-thread transmitter beacon bracelet worn by General Organa and by Rey in the Last Jedi!
My heart is so full of joy right now. Yesterday @501neg @alderaanbase @sgchandrilatemple @nedroidbuilders visited the Hennigan School for Star Wars Day. Today I heard from the kids that apparently there was a Stormtrooper who sounded suspiciously like
A little stardust yesterday!!! I’m pretty sure this is exactly how it happened but it was all a blur and I definitely don’t trust my memory 😂. Mads: Looking good! Me: Me: May the Force Be with You! Mads: You too! Me: #rogueone #rogueoneastarwarssto
On Porgram! And I’ve finally decided on the porg’s name, Preciousssss @andyserkis @epicphotoops @starwarscelebration @andorofficial
On Porgram at #theshowbeforetheshow getting ready to watch #themandalorian early! @robferre @chuckdukas @starwarscelebration