deserttoad: Neil's Harbor Fishing Traps; Cabot Trail, Cape Briton, Canada [Lou Feltz]
Norbert Lefevre: Coq gaulois
Thierry Barré: IMG_2395-2
Ian Maton: Whooping Crane
RunningRuddy: Varied Thrush
Jarek S. "Jerry": Goosanders
Dave913: Sthithians Lake, Cornwall UK.
Cosper Wosper: Northern Wheatear ~ Oenanthe oenanthe
vanislematt: Common Yellowthroat
vanislematt: Western Sandpiper
RunningRuddy: Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Arthur Alves - Aves do Ferrabraz: Rabo branco de garganta rajada - Phaethornis eurynome
Art Clausing: Lazuli Bunting
North East Museums: John Mullen
Kelly Mullan: John mullen hydro 1
vischerferry: Green-winged Teal
hvhe1: The Shrewd Shrike
silverpress: bird drinking coffee
krankykestrel - It's about the bird, not the photo: Long-tailed Duck - Oswego River, 2/12/14
Ian Maton: Golden-crowned kinglet
davidcreebirder: Red-faced Warbler - Bear Wallow Rd. - Mt. Lemmon, Arizona
Ian Maton: Bohemian Waxwing
GaryKurtz: Black-vented Oriole
Jeff Moore: Canada Warbler
lselman: Allen's Hummingbird
sean_ed_lanigan: DSC_0393
andrewvannorstrand: Fork-tailed Flycatcher
marlin harms: Calandrinia spectabilis
brinjoseph: Hooded Warbler
brinjoseph: Red-headed Woodpecker