Jerry Ting: Kokanee Salmon Run (abstract)
Hockey.Lover: This Bluebird of Happiness understands my despair
Hockey.Lover: Unexpected Field Ferrugie
Hockey.Lover: Gray Flycatcher
vickirob1: Common Nighthawk
Jerry Ting: Lazuli
Donna Pomeroy: American Dipper (2)
Jerry Ting: Lawrence's Goldfinch feeding young
vnelson: Forster's Terns- courting
Jerry Ting: harrier with a lizard
Hockey.Lover: Kingbird on a Wire
Jerry Ting: A 55-minute photo session with Ms. Merlin
Jim Scarff: Montezuma Oropendola
Jim Scarff: Strawberry Poison Dart Frog
Jim Scarff: Collared Aracaris
Jim Scarff: Summer Tanager (male)
Jim Scarff: Black-and-white Warbler (female) with lunch
Jim Scarff: Rufous-naped Wren
Jim Scarff: Golden-hooded Tanagers
Jim Scarff: Gartered Trogon (male)
Jim Scarff: Orange-collared Manakin (male)
Jim Scarff: Northern Jacana (juvenile)
Jim Scarff: Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
Jim Scarff: Social Flycatcher - surprising the photographer by flashing his crown feathers!
Jim Scarff: Social Flycatcher
Jim Scarff: Blue Dacnis (male)
Jim Scarff: Montezuma Oropendola - not the most quiet and understated bird!
Jim Scarff: Great Kiskadee
Jim Scarff: Crimson-collared Tanager
Jim Scarff: Passerini's Tanager (male)