greenthumb_38: Newport Beach, California.
greenthumb_38: Women Mourning. Springville, California.
greenthumb_38: Frankoma 5CC. Coffee Cup, Small.
greenthumb_38: Frankoma 5CC. Coffee Cup, Small.
greenthumb_38: Frankoma 5CC. Coffee Cup, Small.
greenthumb_38: Frankoma 5CC. Coffee Cup, Small.
greenthumb_38: My Bride. Spring of 1987. Yosemite Valley.
greenthumb_38: Father and Son. Uncle and Cousin. Tailholt, California.
greenthumb_38: Three Amigos. January 2020.
greenthumb_38: Bathroom Bench Foliage. Yosemite Valley. January 2020.
greenthumb_38: The Eldest. Yosemite Valley. January 2020.
greenthumb_38: Royal Arches. Yosemite Valley. January 2020.
greenthumb_38: Royal Arches. Yosemite Valley. January 2020
greenthumb_38: Yosemite Valley. January 2020.
greenthumb_38: Yosemite Valley. January 2020.
greenthumb_38: Her Paperwhites.
greenthumb_38: Backyard Freesias.
greenthumb_38: Her Nasturtium. Spring 2020.
greenthumb_38: Backyard Rose.
greenthumb_38: Backyard Succulents.
greenthumb_38: Formerly Paperwhites
greenthumb_38: Backyard Rose
greenthumb_38: Backyard Succulent
greenthumb_38: Cub Scout Summer Camp
greenthumb_38: Cub Scout Summer Camp
greenthumb_38: Cub Scout Summer Camp
greenthumb_38: Cub Scout Summer Camp
greenthumb_38: Lost Tool Found.