Bill Schwab: Snow Dog - Belle Isle 1996
Bill Schwab: Ambassador Bridge, Detroit 2014
Lou Peeples: Slice of a Pie
Jeff Gaydash: Crow's Nest
Bill Schwab: Two Falls - Black Donald Creek, Ontario
T. Scott Carlisle: Central Park
R.I.Pienaar: 36-11-fp4
T. Scott Carlisle: meanwhile, a scheme was being hatched
darkenergy777: Train crossing Grosvenor bridge in the fog.
slight clutter: at the crossroads...a rest stop
darkenergy777: Battle abbey ruins. East Sussex.
jmark media llc: Where our Fathers came to pray
T. Scott Carlisle: New York Public Library - Interior
jmark media llc: And that night, we hid in the canyon
darkenergy777: Rocks,sea and sky.
darkenergy777: Seven sisters cliffs,East Sussex.
darkenergy777: British Museum. London.
T. Scott Carlisle: NYC No. 55
T. Scott Carlisle: New York Public Library Grand Stair
_AB_: Bridge
Laurent Orseau: éloïse