Jedi.RC: Home made breakfast after arrival
Jedi.RC: Interview soon after arrived
Jedi.RC: Extracting information
Jedi.RC: AM57 reflection
Jedi.RC: AM57
Jedi.RC: Image255
Jedi.RC: Prior Departure work and coffee
Jedi.RC: Japanese Media Interviews
Jedi.RC: Prior departure coffee and work
Jedi.RC: Press
Jedi.RC: Pushing answers
Jedi.RC: NH11 Declaration
Jedi.RC: Japanese Media
Jedi.RC: Japanese Sanitary Revision
Jedi.RC: Biohazard suits
Jedi.RC: Hermosillo Airport from the window..
Jedi.RC: On board
Jedi.RC: Stuck at Hermosillo airport
Jedi.RC: Plane Food
Jedi.RC: Plastic and Metal Box
Jedi.RC: After 15 hours flight..
Jedi.RC: DSC_0327
Jedi.RC: DSC_0325
Jedi.RC: DSC_0324
Jedi.RC: DSC_0323
Jedi.RC: DSC_0320
Jedi.RC: DSC_0248
Jedi.RC: DSC_0246
Jedi.RC: DSC_0244
Jedi.RC: DSC_0242