jebbjerke: Carex obnupta, coast carex
jebbjerke: Veronica americana, American brooklime
jebbjerke: Maianthemum dilatatum, false lily of the valley
jebbjerke: Prosartes smithii, largeflower fairybells
jebbjerke: Lilium occidentale, western lily
jebbjerke: Potentilla anserina, silverweed cinquefoil
jebbjerke: Iris douglasii
jebbjerke: Lonicera involucrata, coast twinberry
jebbjerke: Trifolium wormskioldii, coast clover
jebbjerke: Tellima grandiflora, fringe cups
jebbjerke: Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. thyrsiflorus, blueblossom
jebbjerke: Layia carnosa, beach layia
jebbjerke: Poa macrantha, seashore bluegrass
jebbjerke: Calystegia soldanella, beach morning glory
jebbjerke: Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia, beach evening-primrose
jebbjerke: Abronia latifolia, yellow sand verbena
jebbjerke: Elymus mollis ssp. mollis, American dune grass
jebbjerke: Ambrosia chamissonis?
jebbjerke: Cakile, Sea rocket
jebbjerke: Dead Readwoods
jebbjerke: Ammophila arenaria, European beach grass
jebbjerke: Tanacetum bipinnatum, dune tansy
jebbjerke: Gilia millefoliata, manyleaf gilia
jebbjerke: Gilia millefoliata, manyleaf gilia 2
jebbjerke: Lathyrus littoralis, beach pea
jebbjerke: Armeria maritima, thrift seapink
jebbjerke: Carpobrotus
jebbjerke: Fucus
jebbjerke: Vanilla Grass
jebbjerke: Goodyera oblongifolia, rattlesnake plantain