jebbjerke: Ancistrocarphus filagineus
jebbjerke: Amsinckia lunaris4
jebbjerke: Amsinckia lunaris3
jebbjerke: Amsinckia lunaris
jebbjerke: Amsinckia lunaris 2
jebbjerke: Killdear Egg
jebbjerke: Chorizanthe polygonoides
jebbjerke: Diplacus tricolor
jebbjerke: Trifolium microcephalum
jebbjerke: Hordeum brachyantherum ssp californicum
jebbjerke: Plagiobothrys tener var subglaber 2
jebbjerke: Plagiobothrys tener var subglaber
jebbjerke: Trifolium bifidum? var decipiens
jebbjerke: Trifolium microdon 2
jebbjerke: Trifolium microdon
jebbjerke: Cryptantha hispidula 2
jebbjerke: Linanthus dichotomus ssp meridianus
jebbjerke: Camissonia contorta
jebbjerke: Cryptantha hispidula
jebbjerke: Ancistrocarphus filagineus
jebbjerke: Astragalus breweri 2
jebbjerke: Astragalus breweri 4.2
jebbjerke: Castilleja rubicundula ssp lithospermoides
jebbjerke: Castilleja rubicundula ssp rubicundula
jebbjerke: Snell Valley
jebbjerke: Lasthenia fremontii
jebbjerke: Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
jebbjerke: Central Valley to the North Coast Range
jebbjerke: Burney Mountain
jebbjerke: Bluebird at Fall River Pilot's Lounge