Flávio Cruvinel Brandão:
Série com a Garça-branca-grande, no topo do Ipê-Amarelo - Series with the Great Egret (Casmerodius albus, sin. Ardea alba) at the top of the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree (Tabebuia [chrysotricha or ochracea]) - 02-09-2015 - IMG_8367
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão:
Série com a Garça-branca-grande, no topo do Ipê-Amarelo - Series with the Great Egret (Casmerodius albus, sin. Ardea alba) at the top of the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree (Tabebuia [chrysotricha or ochracea]) - 02-09-2015 - IMG_8478
Personal Account SG:
Brahminy Kite
K Fletcher & D Baylis:
19969 Durian (Durio zibethinus) - the smelly fruit from south east asia is also an example of cauliflory
Durian (Durio zibethinus) flowers
emblatame (Ron):
Tropical Fruit - Durian in Bud
emblatame (Ron):
Tropical Fruit - Durian Flowers in Bloom
emblatame (Ron):
Buds on the Durian Tree
Grete Howard ARPS:
Durian Tree
Picture 217
Bakal durian
Baby durians at Spring Valley Resort (ស្ព្រីងវ៉ាលីយ រីសត) #durian #fruit #tropical #mrmab #rito #ritz #ritokaizen #cambodia #cambodge #kampuchea #khmer #nature #travel #everydaycambodia
Durian buds
emblatame (Ron):
Tropical Fruit Tree - Durian - The Afternmath of the Flowering - Baby Durians That Have Set
Durian (Durio zibethinus) flowers
bunga durian collage
Harlequin Macaw
Charles Patrick Ewing:
Conure Portrait