Jeanette LeBlanc: || flagstaff || with @amymesserly
Jeanette LeBlanc: || close of night. tired to the bone. candles lit. steam rising. exhale. self care. whipped coconut oil with sweet orange. wet hair braided. breath deepening. muscles unclenching. waiting for her voice to send me off to sleep ||
Jeanette LeBlanc: || Mirror mirror on the wall ... ||
Jeanette LeBlanc: || 'if your nerve, deny you - Go above your nerve ' #emilydickinson ||
Jeanette LeBlanc: || living in the wild grace of the in-between ||
Jeanette LeBlanc: ||The sun was setting in the west The birds were singing on every tree All nature seemed inclined to rest But still there was no rest for me Farewell to Nova Scotia, the seabound coast Let your mountains dark and dreary be For when I am far away on the b
Jeanette LeBlanc: || Mason jar bouquets filled with just because Sunday flowers. Marshmallow bed guitar serenades. Amos Lee and Zac Brown Band. Blinds rattling in the breeze. Childish glee through open windows. Head wrapped in blue silk. Reminders to breathe. Photo diarie
Jeanette LeBlanc: || It makes you fierce, somewhere inside, when you gain history like Stonewall and Matthew Shepard and Harvey Milk, and 11-year-old children are killing themselves because of the pain of being exactly what you are. It makes you ferocious and solid and st
Jeanette LeBlanc: || my most Favoritest coffee shop just got even more favoriter ||. #sb1062 #arizona #janbrewer #veto1062 #equality #lgbtq #badforazbiz #badforazhumans #cenpho #phoenix #lux #luxoncentral
Jeanette LeBlanc: || proud. joining with hundreds at the Arizona State Capitol in protest of #SB1062 #HB2153 ||
Jeanette LeBlanc: || " believe me. sometimes when life looks to be at it's grimmest, there's a light, hidden at the heart of things" ~ Clive Barker ||
Jeanette LeBlanc: // for beautiful winter days. For green leaves and trees that rain white flowers. For buzzing bees and blue skies and wispy clouds. For laying in the grass and breathing deeply. For coffee tables covered in chocolate bar wrappers and wine bottles and ani
Jeanette LeBlanc: // sea and sky. above and below. joy and grief. you and me. don't you see that it's all a mirror? look at me and every last one of your infinities will be reflected in my ocean eyes. do you finally see how beautiful you are? //
Jeanette LeBlanc: // blown away // {this morning I woke up to this surprise, delivered by text. A custom illustration of me - and my trusty fountain pen - by the unbelievably talented @winonagrey . How did I get so blessed to circle with women of such talent? And to be gi
Jeanette LeBlanc: // This morning // Slow start. Headache. Full day of work. But first. My beloved coconut chai for warmth. A beautiful catalog for visual inspiration. Glasses for clarity. Laying on my stomach on the hard wood the floor where the light is just the right ba
Jeanette LeBlanc: //the uprising // rise up goddess breathe in your holy fire let it sear your lungs sometimes it’s the ache that wakes us all the way into ourselves walk to the edge of all that is known stand tall with your salt water heart and your red wine teardrops r
Jeanette LeBlanc: //Announcing UNLEASHED// WHAT: A life changing one-day intensive. WHERE: Los Angeles WHEN: December 8th, 2013 WHO: You + Me + an intimate circle of wild souls. THE EXPERIENCE: A full day of storytelling, deep diving, profound exercises in releasi
Jeanette LeBlanc: Family // some you are born into // others you find and choose over time // today I am so blessed and grateful for those who gather with me // the food is delicious // the wine is flowing // and my home and heart are full.
Jeanette LeBlanc: Morning light filtered through blinds // cozy knee socks // hot tea in bed // wild woman reading // children still sleeping // today will bring a gathering // of friends and laughter and food and chaos // my chosen urban family // but now // right now //
Jeanette LeBlanc: Fresh air break // gift from the sea // rings from the ocean // brain full of words // heart full of life // yes.
Jeanette LeBlanc: Today's grace // the hard fall of tears // a hot shower // music that holds stories // true, bold vulnerability // hope // the thin, hammered ring // stones from the sea // words that heal // cool air and warm sun // the start of a journey // the scent of
Jeanette LeBlanc: Cool morning // cozy socks // ancient sweater // hot chai on my patio // fall flowers from a beautiful soul arranged in a mason jar vase // birds chirping // sit and sip and soak in peace.
Jeanette LeBlanc: Cross legged on my patio // leaning against the painted brick // my constantly worn ripped jeans // ancient Beatles tee // favorite old worn out sweater // woolen knee socks with holes in the bottom // steaming tea // cool light that cuts like glass // ju
Jeanette LeBlanc: I make the rules // and I break the rules // shoes AND food in bed // mmmhmm.
Jeanette LeBlanc: Small graces // simple pleasures //blessed be. fresh white sheets. the color of fall light. mornings with no voices. orange knee socks and high top chucks in bed. add strawberries and chocolate. because the rules are mine to make and break. waking withou
Jeanette LeBlanc: But we can't // live in the light // all of the time // You have to take // whatever light you can hold // into the dark with you.” ― Libba Bray, A Great and Terrible Beauty
Jeanette LeBlanc: lovely // yes you are // I've never seen anyone like you // as a matter of perfect fact // everything about you // full of magic // even in the grit and the ache and the relentless dark // you // love // are full of light // please // don't ever forget.
Jeanette LeBlanc: We've all got stories // you have them, don't you? // pulsing just beneath your skin // lodged in your bones // what will it take for you to let them out? // to let your fingers hit the keys // or your pen slide across the page // do you need permission?
Jeanette LeBlanc: these days i am deeply involved in the small and steady rituals of self care. which sometimes tastes like huge chunks of fresh pineapple and licking the juice off my fingers and laughing. other nights it sounds like loud rap music in my headphones, letti
Jeanette LeBlanc: Slow down // we all go down the rabbit hole sometimes // and it's never easy, is it, love? // but be kind to yourself // you are doing // the very best // you possibly can // and soon // you will rise // i promise // for now // just breathe.