mbb8356: FastCat M11
mbb8356: Lady of All Nations and a ROPAX for Medallion
mbb8356: Jack Daniel
mbb8356: Reina Genoveva
mbb8356: Padre Pio
mbb8356: Adrian Jude and Almirante Federico
esy05: Super Shuttle Ferry 18
Jeth!: St. Camael & St. Sariel
Jeth!: St. Camael & St. Sariel
esy05: Super Shuttle Ferry 18
Marcky_Arceño_17: IMG_20170129_165030
Marcky_Arceño_17: IMG_20170129_164951
Marcky_Arceño_17: IMG_20171107_084108
Marcky_Arceño_17: IMG_20170413_110635
Marcky_Arceño_17: IMG_20170413_110344
Marcky_Arceño_17: IMG_20170413_110327
philippineshipspotter: Nathan Matthew
philippineshipspotter: Reina de Luna in Pulauan port
philippineshipspotter: LCT RORO Master 2
mbb8356: Jack Daniel
mbb8356: A FastCat in Verde Island Passage
mbb8356: A FastCat in Batangas
mbb8356: Lady of Good Voyage
mbb8356: Starlite Pacific
mbb8356: FastCat M11
mbb8356: Starlite Annapolis
cr@ckers43: fastcat m11
mbb8356: Reina Emperatriz