mamicanon: mouche portrait
nigel kiteley2011: Chalk-Hill Blue.
Doundounba: Unknown Diptera (Anthomya?)
jackez2010: Pinson_A730020_DxO
stevo850: Crescent Honeyeater (WA)
Lucky's photographs: focus on the eye
stevo850: Africa Grey Parrot
Mark240590: 365 day photo challenge Wearmouth Bridge build 1928. I thought I would give the kit lens a chance with this one and it didn’t disappoint !
Doundounba: Hoverfly Profile
Gladys Klip: Visarend / osprey / balbuzard
Nuno Xavier Moreira: "Borboleta", Pea Blue(Lampides boeticus)
PhillymanPete: A Colorful Sanderling
Doundounba: Marsh Snipe Fly
Valeri Pletnev: Black-crowned night heron
PhillymanPete: Red Knot
histoireduninstant: dame nature
Laura Carrier: Fauvette pitchou
Davide Pascali: Au bord du gouffre !
michelgasser: Cormoran
Sinnassamy Michel: Predatory fly / Mouche prédatrice " Empididae "
Doundounba: Just a (Slightly) Wet Fly
klaus.huppertz: Canis lupus
Ewan Lebourdais - Photographe Maritime: The Bird & The Lighthouse
* Philippe B: Blue monday ...
florian.bielmeier: 20150508-_DSC1696.jpg
concho cowboy: Field of Dreams
pabloanm: Model: Leila D'Amici - 50mm 1.4
anj_p 3.4m: Burgh
kevinmoore57: DeKay's Brown Snake