rosiebondi: Winter Is Here
Dan_Fr: Before the storm
Marcela McGreal: The Grand Canyon
andywon: Breakthrough
Anna Pagnacco: First snow
.Fabio_S.: Fish for Dinner?
Sapna Reddy Photography: Postcard from Norway ( (Explored) not photoshopped. Rainbow is real)
albert dros: Val Di Flames
romiana70: Haifoss Pano
Guy Schmickle: Stormy Sedona
vincent.versace: D800I_YO_2014_106_IR_IP
cienne45: Winter sunset
vincent.versace: D800IR_YOSEMITE_2014_010_IP
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Grand Swirls from NASA's Hubble
ecstaticist - Cowichan Sentinels
risquillo: Fishing
MFRANKLING: sedge warbler
Chodie89: Ridiculously Photogenic Tree
vincent.versace: D70_AMERICAN_GOTHIC
canon60dslr: 98 seconds at McGee Creek (Explored) Benson Bridge @ Multnomah
mibreit: Yaki Point
tomgardner: Lone Tree in fog
leapin26: Beatson
cienne45: Lights in the wood