_sagesharp_: sarah-sharp-computer
asirap: Crypto Gingerbread House
Ma Poupoule: Baobabs in the rain
Ma Poupoule: Children
Ma Poupoule: Jeune fille Vezo à la mangue
asirap: Camel trek
asirap: Pure panic
asirap: Prado
asirap: Volcano view
asirap: Lunch
asirap: Bendy
Yvesan ~: Skin
Matt_F.: IMG_0843
Christophe Le Tellier: When you look me in the eyes
Kasmeneo: Kids at Ifaty
mortenjohs: No walking
mortenjohs: Ride with you on your scooter, babe...
mortenjohs: A school of taxis
Julien Miquelestorena: Italie2008_222
Julien Miquelestorena: Child of Stone Town (Zanzibar)
Julien Miquelestorena: Gathering Seagrass in Jambiani (Zanzibar)
Julien Miquelestorena: Children of Stone Town (Zanzibar)
ichigo!!: Nightmare
Michael_G: Lina on the bench
FotoRita [Allstar maniac]: Do you believe in Love?