kit_lens: I'm the center
Luko GR: Bamberg city hall on the river
norbert.karow: Altstadtbereich
gernot72: a317-geflecktblaettriger-flaemmling
marcelo nacinovic: Praia do Outeiro em Trancoso
marcelo nacinovic: Praia do Outeiro em Trancoso
a-r-g-u-s: AZUL
richardjholt: Otter Island
Simon Huynh: Autumn mood in Yosemite.
Northwoods Apparition: Planter Creek, Gogebic County, MI
marcelo nacinovic: Rio Trancoso
alfwightwick: Brimham Rocks
david t ruddock: Green Acres of Wairere
OwenLloyd: Contrast
aeneas66: Old Steam Engine
Andy McDonald ARPS: Brunswick Inn, Derby
JelStIy: Blue and gold -- Minneapolis Exzenterhaus II
...arpi...: … the bird and the clock tower …
Richard Pilon: 72/100x
Wildi: 1950...
heliochaves: histor-50
Michel Roesink: IJsvogel / Common kingfisher / Alcedo atthis