Jayman6972: Male Mallard ducks resting on shore line
Jayman6972: Longtailed tit
Jayman6972: Mallard duck portrait 2
Jayman6972: Mallard duck portrait
Jayman6972: Little robin posing on a moss covered rock
Jayman6972: Goose head on
Jayman6972: Robin
Jayman6972: Moorhen
Jayman6972: Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo
Jayman6972: Formation Geese
Jayman6972: Misty rays
Jayman6972: Dipper Cinclus cinclus sitting on a rock
Jayman6972: BSB Knockhill 2022 Dean Harrison 5jpg
Jayman6972: Rory Skinner 11-Motion
Jayman6972: Rock pipit
Jayman6972: Common darter
Jayman6972: Ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula) on the beach Mull
Jayman6972: Oyster catcher (Haematopus ostralegus) In flight, taken on a recent trip to Mull.
Jayman6972: Oyster catcher (Haematopus ostralegus)
Jayman6972: Otter (Lutra lutra) feeding on a small fish it caught, taken on a recent trip to Mull
Jayman6972: Otter 2 (Lutra lutra) feeding on a small fish it caught, taken on a recent trip to Mull
Jayman6972: Rock Pipit (Anthus petrosus) perched on a rock looking for it's next meal, taken on a recent trip to Mull
Jayman6972: Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba) with a rather large insect for lunch, taken on a recent trip to Mull
Jayman6972: Oyster catcher (Haematopus ostralegus) having a little rest on top of a rock, taken on a recent trip to Mull.
Jayman6972: Golden-ringed Dragonfly (Motacilla alba) resting on a rock between flights meals, taken on a recent trip to Mull
Jayman6972: Knockhill 2022 Sykes Haslam
Jayman6972: Chaffinch Male (Fringilla coelebs) sitting on mossy branch eating seeds Argatty
Jayman6972: Chaffinch Male (Fringilla coelebs) sitting on mossy branch eating seeds.
Jayman6972: Red Squirrel Sciurus vulgaris Winter