jayjayoh: Holy moly. Most efficient route put 2 pickups and 3 drop offs between me and home. (Or was it 3 and 4? Hm. Total travel time approx 1h40min. Bouncing on the bus. Oh, my back. An least we know what they be doing.
jayjayoh: Not even worth my time to escalate the problem, but I'll still post the pic bc it amuses me. Might not work anyway bc technically, this part of the entrance, and those two normal/ wc height tables waaaaaaaay over ->there and around two corners in the car
jayjayoh: Bus got a little chilly right at the end of the trip; catching some recline time in the sun before my appt
jayjayoh: Too loud and echoey @ main ent... retreated to my preferred waiting area by the infusion center- much quieter and hey look, a normal height table :)
jayjayoh: Still all bar height next to cafe'. Improvising, lol
jayjayoh: Took advantage of the spring sale, and got a custom controller in Joker colors. #xbox #xboxone #majornelson
jayjayoh: Also right at the end of yday, got a quick shot in with @kateleth, who's work as a comic artist/ writer I've followed (not creepy. Like, gushy fanboy. Cmon.) since it was just webcomics to her blog, but now she's done/ doing soo many high profile projects
jayjayoh: Mission accomplished. Now, lunch
jayjayoh: Sending some mixed messages there, @dovechocolate. #ignorehashtags
jayjayoh: Lol. That second normal height table got moved even further out of the way from around the corner and down the hall, to further tucked into the second waiting area, right outside the restrooms.
jayjayoh: Brand new, voluminous, lord-knows-how-$$$ main entrance at Rush Copley Aurora, complete with in foyer mini cafe... and at said cafe, coffee table seating areas all around, 4 bar height tables, and zero standard height tables a wheelchair could pull up to.
jayjayoh: Been months; that took away too long... solids was stuck on the solo ball forever, stripes with the 6 deficit comeback
jayjayoh: Didn't bring a teacher with me to the basement... improvising... #dissabledhomeownerproblems #pooltablepaysoff
jayjayoh: Well at least this is here... and it's cheaper than a real *$ too
jayjayoh: Still got it. #ofcourseimtherobot
jayjayoh: Nothing beats waiting, then finally talking to someone with answers, only to be met with more waiting... (Anyone see "Chappie"? Or, what was that book with extra bodies were "sleeves"? Cmon future)
jayjayoh: #encorebutts
jayjayoh: Everyone stand and cheer! #butts
jayjayoh: ~23min to showtime
jayjayoh: So bored, so much time to kill, forgot my book.... SO close, but nope. And the next floor is closer, but it's under construction.
jayjayoh: Arrive super early, out super early... too bad there wasn't another route I could hop on... still gotta wait another 1h20m
jayjayoh: Super early for appt, found a new corner to recline in
jayjayoh: Tee hee. Stay classy, Niles
jayjayoh: upload
jayjayoh: Temp says 60, but in the direct sun w/ no breeze... 👍
jayjayoh: iPad door surveillance, haha. Sometimes my doorbell doesn't go off, so I'm keeping an eye out for little faces blocking out the window :)
jayjayoh: Some of the neighborhood kids make me the first stop now... And there are the few that also make me the last stop ;)
jayjayoh: Heh. Try that, weak-ass magnets that can't stand up to a mild breeze.
jayjayoh: Sigh, crazy box damage. #funko #funkopop
jayjayoh: Success!