fulviomacchi: .........
•.❀• Savea •.❀•: Behind The Window
Quinnsley: [ everlong ]
-d e t a c h e d-: when you think you're thinking, you're actually listening...
EVA LUNA AZUL: Back home
river ichibara: nous_naissons_seuls,_nous_vivons_seuls
fulviomacchi: ............
♡ evelina.l: She's strong ......................but she's tired!!!
olorennn: Extra-Ordinaire
Angelika Corral: Dislocated
fulviomacchi: ...........
Tess V: A flight to Paradise
Bella_Blackheart: No place I'd rather be 🏠
Harper Rose ♡.: Was a lost soul at a crossroad who had no hope but I changed that.
410claire: Dust dancing in the light
Bella_Blackheart: Just me & the rocks
d'cuir: you ever seen the rainbow? ~rock~ no i felt only the sand of dusk
S✪ULUL₳☈: [ եօ եհҽ հɑթթíղҽss ]