jasperthewonderpoodle: Percy warms up on a chilly night
jasperthewonderpoodle: Hehehe... he'll never find me here!
jasperthewonderpoodle: In Lynn Canyon
jasperthewonderpoodle: Are you sure about this?
jasperthewonderpoodle: Meeting Percy
jasperthewonderpoodle: Standing guard
jasperthewonderpoodle: Little snow bunny
jasperthewonderpoodle: Not impressed
jasperthewonderpoodle: Ummmmm, mom....
jasperthewonderpoodle: Are you comfy, Jasper?
jasperthewonderpoodle: Thanksgiving day romp
jasperthewonderpoodle: Jasper's new 'do
jasperthewonderpoodle: Downtown Vancouver from Mount Seymour
jasperthewonderpoodle: This boy loves snow- even in July!
jasperthewonderpoodle: SUCH a drama king...
jasperthewonderpoodle: Which china pattern do you like, Jasper?
jasperthewonderpoodle: A little rain won't stop him!
jasperthewonderpoodle: A girl and her boy
jasperthewonderpoodle: My best girl
jasperthewonderpoodle: This pretty gal was plastered all over the construction site of a highrise project nearby
jasperthewonderpoodle: Did NOT want to leave!
jasperthewonderpoodle: Spring at City Hall