James Marvin Phelps: Backyard Hummingbird
matthewken4722: The Plains of Hoge Veluwe
JustinCase90210: Gone Fishing
jmpastorg: El viejo rompeolas - The old breakwater
treader286: Trillium Falls
claude435: Pont de Gau-80
debbieellaway: Stag amongst the autumn leaves
batorka74: Mother and Child
karindebruin: Candy Colors!
thies59: Two Nuns and a Novitiate
vatnais944: Rainbow Hills
Frank van Dongen: Winter’s Quiet Goodbye to the Day
miquelopezgarcia: Santo Estevo do Ermo
AlpcemPhotography: Sunset at the Aegean Sea
GLYancy: Autumn in the Park
dpxljofr6: Good morning sunshine.
dpxljofr6: Sunset at Stammenmühle
dpxljofr6: Busy beaver
dpxljofr6: Winter morning
dpxljofr6: Einfach etwas Farbe
AiToR Badiola Manero: Dendrocopos major
billackerman1: Late Afternoon, Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri
LuisParalta_Fotografia: A s t o n i s h i n g
phil winter: Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
mandyhedley: Kingfisher with fish in beak - Explored 17/12/24
Slávka K: winter moment
Jarek S. "Jerry": Little bittern
Renee's Moment: Paget Peak (EXPLORED)