wegee: Semi-Trailer, Hoses, 2015
wegee: Doug, New Barn at Gaining Ground, 2015
dita :): Ancol Beach
wegee: Pruning, Spring, 2015
wegee: "Immigrant Shed", Concord, 2015
kavo2013: Federlibelle
wegee: Lincoln, Community Garden, Lambs Ears, 2014
gyaista: Jenggo, beungeut seuseuh #jenggo
Martin's Little Shop of Photos: Fuji ACROS 028 - Version 2
killerturnip: HongYaDong
Ed Lee Foto: DSC_0959
Milos Gazdic: Almost ready. 2-3 more hours of work in my estimate incl. varnishing of the lens plate. Unfortunately only can focus to about "American" portrait... No infinity. Luckily I have one more lens board which can be adapted for further focus once I decide to ma
Milos Gazdic: Making new front standard and lens plate for my ОФ-233 210mm f2.5 lens for Graflex Series D 4x5 camera... Soon testing...
Milos Gazdic: DIY Graflex Speed to Cambo lens board adapter which I've finished recently and my nice little Xenotar 150/2,8 now resting inside newly acquired Compur shutter that came with perfect Symmar 240/5,6
tobias feltus: NEW55, We did it!