jarra lad: I'm on my way to the #victoriaandalbertmuseum #V&A to see the #paulstrand #exhibition @chrismharrisonoslo
jarra lad: It's the start of the main assignment for my students at #bildernordic Good luck! #oslo #norway
jarra lad: #oslo #norway #norwegian #walking #walkingtowork
jarra lad: 18 hours in the #studio with 6 #profoto lamps and an amazing array of products and the best shot is of some #Ajax in the late evening sun.
jarra lad: @NottmCastle for the #phemerson symposium. Really good talks.
jarra lad: New glasses, #ParisPhoto meeting loads of good people. The only way is up.
jarra lad: I'm on the way to #ParisPhoto looking forward to feeling alternately depressed and inspired within the space of a few feet for the next 4 days.
jarra lad: I'm booked in for a talk at #NottinghamCastle #nottingham about #peterhenryemerson #victorian #photographer big proponent of photography as art. Influenced #alfredstieglitz #steiglitz. #phemerson was in favour of dressing down his colourful #norfolk peasa
jarra lad: I woke up this morning to a glorious sunrise and got to thinking about how the historical canon (the list of accepted photographers whose work is seen as important) narrows year on year. So here's to #FrederickSommer, being clear eyed on the margins of th
jarra lad: I went looking for an apartment in #oslo and all I got was this lousy #instagram #veitvet #Norway #norge
jarra lad: I think it was #Stieglitz who said a photograph is an approximation of what the photographer saw and felt at the time he took the photo. I can't think of a better way to explain to my students how to know wether it's Photography or the use of photography,
jarra lad: There is real magic in the #quotidian the genius of #berndandhillabecher was to put photography in the background in a project that could only be realised through photography. Sunday walk with Tootie #oslonorway #oslo #Norway
jarra lad: Who wouldn't want to get on the #bus and go into the #studio ?#oslo #Norway #transport
jarra lad: I'm in #Arles2015 at the #LesRencontresDeLaPhotographie I'm having a fantastic time. I've met up with lots of old friends made some new ones. Had dinner with one of my all time #PhotographicHero #BrianGriffin. Those that say you shouldn't meet your #Hero'
jarra lad: Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, I really appreciate them. I'm off to #Arles now to spend my birthday money on a #PhotoBook hopefully I will see at least some of you there, in the meantime this isn't the #SouthOfFrance it's my amazing #Hometown #J
jarra lad: Just finished printing the #portfolio for #Arles hopefully see a few #OldFriends there #CopperHorses
jarra lad: #oslostreets I'm sitting next to @denchphoto and #JeffMurmelstein @bildernordic at the street photography workshop, I'm hoping something is rubbing off. #oslove #Oslo #NorwegianSummer
jarra lad: Back in sunny #Oslo
jarra lad: Off to #PhotoLondon and even the #BaggageHandlers at #Stanstead have got in on the act. #latergram #london #airports #CopperHorses #BookDummy
jarra lad: 1am and it's done! #CopperHorses is a dummy. #latergram
jarra lad: #CopperHorses #BookDummy starting to take shape. Thanks to @monamonamona for the personalised coffee mugs! Good for glue, good for coffee.
jarra lad: Came round the corner today and thought of #RinkoKawauchi #spring has sprung #CherryBlossom #Oslo not #Tokyo
jarra lad: Thinking about #LarsTunbjörk today.
jarra lad: Just finished a big job for a client and looking forward to doing some work on the #copperhorses #CopperHorses dummy. Which got me thinking about the genius of #RalphGibson. How the world looks normal until he slices off a piece and holds it up to the lig
jarra lad: Lying on the #sofa doing all my important admin. I.e. thinking about photography. Thanks @nickwaplington for reminding me of #Humphreyspender it's like rediscovering an old friend.
jarra lad: I'm looking forward to seeing the #bereniceabbott show at the #mediaspace in London. What could be more photographic than showing us a world we can only see via photography. #oslo #norway #norge
jarra lad: I see a picture before I take it, and I don't feel the need to look at it until much later. Most people's photography would be vastly improved if they turned off the display on the back of the camera. Free your mind and your photography will follow. #airp
jarra lad: I love the #architecture of #airports the big #windows and the #journey to come. I think of #GaryWinogrand work and how #glamorous #flying is. Then I get on #Ryanair.
jarra lad: I was told early on, by a very wise man, that luck was nothing but the meeting of opportunity and ability. Photographers are often said to be lucky. I think that what makes a photographer an artist is their body of work and how it allows us to see the wor
jarra lad: Remembering the words of #Robertadams "what does our geography compel us to believe? What does it allow us to believe? And what obligations, if any, follow from our beliefs?"