janoschknipst: Ape on the tree
janoschknipst: Harsh and my bag
janoschknipst: Eating mother
janoschknipst: Clean green beautiful Mahabaleshwar
janoschknipst: Arthurs point
janoschknipst: Shivanshu!
janoschknipst: What a familiar perspective
janoschknipst: Getting to know the local cows
janoschknipst: Mumbai trains
janoschknipst: Taj Hotel
janoschknipst: Mumbai Cabs
janoschknipst: mid-air squirrel!
janoschknipst: Jama masjid
janoschknipst: atop jama masjid minaret
janoschknipst: two blokes atop the minaret
janoschknipst: jama masjid courtyard
janoschknipst: some tomb in a park
janoschknipst: quite stunning tomb actually
janoschknipst: humayans tomb
janoschknipst: me and humayans tomb
janoschknipst: me as seen by Shivanshu
janoschknipst: Me and a HOLY COW!
janoschknipst: Alison and Larissa celebrating the royal wedding
janoschknipst: Two girls having a pint on primrose hill.
janoschknipst: Sophia and Christoph visiting for the weekend.
janoschknipst: A juggler!
janoschknipst: Bridge over the Thames.
janoschknipst: Anna. Cup of coffee. Some me. Some garage door.
janoschknipst: Citroën Traction Avant in Camden.
janoschknipst: Kerem just told me how he had to beat his wife up again