Teresa Raw: Mafalda. Amsterdam vs Berlin
m g a: Firenze
donaldpoirier93@yahoo.fr: Mamiya C33 N° 835
chachahavana: Behind the Scene #14
seriesofclicks: That side mirror selfie.
mike | MKvip.photo: Signs of spring...
chlky0001: Wellesley College (Untitled-38)
Nico Geerlings: One rainy night on Williamsburg Bridge
Eddie C3: Really Big Balls
Jon Siegel: Thursday Night
timballic: Cloud Break
@GrailK: Circumspice
@GrailK: Morning stroll
micke.vmix: After the rain
Jon Siegel: Schwartz's Pastrami Sandwiche
Jon Siegel: Boston
mike | MKvip.photo: Got any food?
Tim Drivas: 4th Of July Festivities
Geoff LMV: Another Rainy Day
rampx: refraction