*Lie ... on & off ... too busy !: Sur terre les humains passent comme les feuilles ....
leerjp: Bus station
Talliebally http://instagram.com/talliebally: T h i s M o r n i n g Ow god, I love misty mornings. This is just around my corner on my way from school back home. Added a tiny bit of #mextures as the watery sun I saw earlier unfortunately left .
'^_^ Damail Nobre ^_^': Échange de regards
- David Olsson -: Fence - Mörudden
Peter Jaspers: Never give up. When your heart becomes tired, just walk with your legs - but move on (Paulo Coelho - The Pilgrimage)
hetty m: dandelion
Marijke M2011: Never look back..
betuwefotograaf: Horses in the mist IX
hetty m: Boos, boos, boos....
ivor miller: seaham sunrise
Jeronim01: Down Curve
Torsten Reimer: The Thinker
Jerry T Patterson: The Star of Mesa Arch
mplatt86: St Peter's Basilica
holland fotograaf: tulips and Dutch sky
=Mirjam=: At the beach
barryvanede: Deep Sea
betuwefotograaf: Trees in the winterlight
Joao Eduardo Figueiredo: Sandstorm at Monument Valley - Arizona/Utah, USA
Jumpin'Jack: Happy New Year!
- David Olsson -: Digerhuvud - square
AnitaBurke1: Coeur d'alene Idaho
PortSite: Entree Oude Zeevaartschool Den Helder
AllardSchager.com: Oia in Blue
Eddy Blokhuis : lines and curves I
Eddy Blokhuis : Hatert study I