Boston Public Library:
White, black and colors for hand and machine [front]
Boston Public Library:
Brook's spool cotton for hand & machine sewing, Brook's Patent Glace Thread 50, Brook's Six Cord 40 [front]
Boston Public Library:
Clark's Mile-End 30 Spool Cotton [front]
Boston Public Library:
The improved 'Domestic' sewing machine. Style no. 7, try it. (front)
Boston Public Library:
The sewing machine must be done. A home drama in four acts. (back)
Boston Public Library:
The monkey and the cat's paw. (front)
Boston Public Library:
Happiness all owing to our New Home. New Home takes the lead. (front)
Boston Public Library:
A fairy dream. (front)
Boston Public Library:
The New Home sewing machine is the best - The easygoing, accurate and light running New Home sewing machine. (front)
Boston Public Library:
New Home Sewing Machine Co. - Nos rompen con su ruido las orejas esas maquinas viejas, Y esta maquina nueva es un portento, pues produce quietud su movimiento. (front)
Boston Public Library:
The New Home Sewing Machine Co., Orange, Mass. (front)
Boston Public Library:
Five Minute Car Wash, 37th St.
Boston Public Library:
Evening, along the beach, Long Beach, Calif.
Boston Public Library:
Air view, city of Long Beach, Long Beach, Calif.
Boston Public Library:
Air view, fleet in Los Angeles, Long beach Harbor, Calif.
Boston Public Library:
Air view, Long Beach, showing breakwater, Calif.
Boston Public Library:
General view of the beach front, Long Beach, California
Boston Public Library:
Looking west on Ocean Avenue, showing beachfront, Long Beach, California
Boston Public Library:
Looking east from the auditorium, showing Villa Riviera, Long Beach, California
Boston Public Library:
Looking west on Ocean Ave., showing auditorium and Breakers Hotel, Long Beach, Calif..
Boston Public Library:
Municipal auditorium park grounds, Long Beach, California
Boston Public Library:
Beach front, from the Rainbow Pier, Long Beach, California
Boston Public Library:
Bathing in the lagoon on the west side of the Auditorium, Long Beach, California
Boston Public Library:
The beach front, along East Ocean Avenue, Long Beach, California
Boston Public Library:
The municipal Auditorium and Rainbow Pier, Long Beach, California
Boston Public Library:
Bathing in the surf at Long Beach, California
Boston Public Library:
Bathing in the surf at Long Beach, California
Island Nana:
Oliver and S Playdate Dress
Simplicity 1382 Dress