Paul Garland: Moon
Rob Unreall: Cuando la Luna crece - First Quarter Moon
joka2000: Waxing Crescent Moon through Clouds
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
buistbunch: Triplets! #maythefourth
ChrisAstro: The last moon of winter 2013-2014!
Nusknights: Edugood365 day 34: ingenuity
Laura Gilchrist: 28/365 Tolerant #edugood "Mrs. Gilly, can we go outside and film for our Fossils in KC presentation? We have an idea......" Rolling in snow (like only a 6th grader can do) "Something's under my back. Look, it's a BRACHIOPOD fossil in a sedimentary rock."
mkurashige 1: 25/365 Likeable #edugood
Laura Gilchrist: 23/365 Positive #edugood Art in school. Positively Powerful.
buistbunch: Photo 24/365: Active #edugood
Laura Gilchrist: 21/365 Determined. #edugood A game of Bear, Hunter, Ninja between representatives of 3 Chinese Dynasties.
Laura Gilchrist: 20/365 Dream #edugood
buistbunch: Photo 21/365: Determined #edugood
venspired: #edugood 19/365 "Optimistic" The glass isn't half full. It's overflowing.
ChrisAstro: Waning Gibbous Moon (January 2014)
ChrisAstro: Waning Gibbous Moon (January 2014)
ChrisAstro: Waning Gibbous Moon (January 2014)
ChrisAstro: Waning Gibbous Moon (January 2014)
Laura Gilchrist: 16/365 Unselfish. #edugood Sharing a Cow Eye and Dissecting together!
Laura Gilchrist: 17/365 Friendly #edugood. Our class walked to Mrs. Hamby's room to deliver their thank yous in person. Many were letters or artistic letters on paper; others were on the iPad in iMovie and Keynote. They showed Mrs. Hamby on the iPad. :)
venspired: #edugood "Insightful." Love seeing collaboration & thinking in action.
buistbunch: Photo 14/365: Open-minded #edugood #texture #T365Project
buistbunch: Photo 13/365: Resourceful #edugood
Just Mom1: #resourceful #edugood 13/365
Laura Gilchrist: 12/365 Courageous. Grass. #edugood Breaking upward out of the snow, reaching towards the sun's light and energy.
venspired: 11/365: "Authentic" #edugood
venspired: #edugood 9/365 "Caring" The iphone case from a student always reminds me that its about caring for kids.
buistbunch: Photo 9/365: Inquisitive #edugood @OrbitalSciences #Antares
stardiver0: Day 7/365 #edugood collaboration in progress.