Liis Klammer: frosty
Liis Klammer: for the wreath
fric_de_mentol: dear mountain
fric_de_mentol: labor time
rio en medio - Jose On/Off: Mariposa - Coenonympha dorus
rio en medio - Jose On/Off: Petirrojo - Erithacus rubecula
Amy Merrick: roses7
Suzana @ [Gourmets Amadores]: Castanhas com açúcar e canela
Hello Twiggs: small world - part ii
knitalatte11: missed you jack
fog and swell: wee wonders
*brilho-de-conta: the city
Rosa Pomar: portugal
fric_de_mentol: fresh food
*L: bairro alto
*L: tanques da madragoa