janeland: A12314 / full moon over waffle cone
janeland: IMG_2004 / art path petticoat
janeland: A17881 / through a desaturation zone to the cafeteria
janeland: A17637 / excuse me while i stand on this fine abstraction
janeland: A19175 / gallery visitor almost got away
janeland: 8404 / i changed lanes for this
janeland: A19416 / crepuscular turret, no hat
janeland: A19346 / street light on 7
janeland: IMG_2271 / flavor of the year
janeland: IMG_2257 / donald's excellent boat ride
janeland: IMG_1743 / marked down at the thrift store
janeland: IMG_1270 / abba interlude at the women's march
janeland: A19925-926 / cloudy mustang carstract diptych, because who doesn't like red
janeland: A18293 / bunny rabbit underfoot with extra texture and face full of herbs
janeland: A20266 / A19011 / having been spray painted black, the invisible board remains invisible
janeland: A19011 / having been spray painted black, the invisible bucket remains invisible
janeland: A02547 / on the forest floor, somewhat desaturated and with the dried mud and the fast bug and things of that nature
janeland: A02803 / impaled pepper no impediment for spray painter
janeland: pano-chile-rama got prismatized at grand central market / LA
janeland: 12949 / i got the alarms, so not to be robbin' me blinds