*nacnud*: Renfrew St and West Nile Street , Glasgow
barçalunacy: His name is Hussein
mic*: tulip
barçalunacy: Thinking, scouting, working
barçalunacy: A man and his shoe
barçalunacy: Rolling a smoke
barçalunacy: Mesmerized
David Lavine: Barcelona, street level view.
mic*: greet the sunshine
arleneb: Could we get a Bflat please...
pmarella: The Fog
W & V: ant
mic*: Hobart
H G M: Wonder Creation of Nature - Tortoise beetles (Aspidomorpha puncticosta) !
vtpeacenik: See You Next Time
vtpeacenik: The Songster
mic*: Woody Point, Pittwater
vtpeacenik: Keeping Company
arleneb: Fresno, CA Zoo
Roger Wasley: Strix woodfordii ♂ African Wood Owl
*nacnud*: Two Tyred
arleneb: You probably wonder why I called this meeting....
Naturebuggin: Common Baskettail
Russell Clark Photography: Looks Like Rain
Roger Wasley: Emperor Moth ♂ Saturnia pavonia
*nacnud*: Glasgow