P. Panther: Deconstructivism
P. Panther: Hamburg Airport
P. Panther: Kunsthalle
P. Panther: Wrapped
rhiinoskiin: ocularity of the first order
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting): Montpellier - L'Arbre Blanc (White tree) residential tower
winter__: Autumn colours
Ernest T Scribbler: Woman at Window
katze.stinkt: Lissboa Black
ohzfotografie: Cloudbackup
Sean M Richardson: J.N. Adam Memorial Hospital
NorthernXposure: The Kelpies
LH_LEV: Erasmus bridge, Rotterdam,
frodul: Under the Bridge
Funchye: Poppy in black and white
Blende1.8: vis-à-vis
mkk707: Coming to visit
pascalRIBEN.com: Chiang Mai, Thailand
poupette1957: Zoom in Séte!!!
Blende1.8: elevated structure
Michel.bauge: Etretat
Michel.bauge: Cordage
Michel.bauge: Au bout du monde
pascalRIBEN.com: Busan, South Korea