JaM賈斯汀: A mulattos post post modern hangout as inspired by Suppose.jp(mulattosポストポスト現代のたまり場Suppose.jpに触発として )
JaM賈斯汀: A Mulattos Hangout Re-edit, In design
JaM賈斯汀: This is my mother.
JaM賈斯汀: StylishPop blog logo in design
JaM賈斯汀: Sketch-up created set of Roy Chon's house from Angels in America.
JaM賈斯汀: I dont wan't anybody questioning that Rick James doesnt have shoes.
JaM賈斯汀: Michael Jackson
JaM賈斯汀: HouseC "Communal Loft" in design
JaM賈斯汀: HouseC "Communal Loft" in design
JaM賈斯汀: HouseC "Communal Loft" in design
JaM賈斯汀: Mother forsake you, father forsake you, Selassie him take you.
JaM賈斯汀: Jobs, Apple and Obama
JaM賈斯汀: HouseC "Communal House" in design
JaM賈斯汀: Graffiti Viewing
JaM賈斯汀: SoulSkatin'
JaM賈斯汀: King Turtle!
JaM賈斯汀: NEVER!
JaM賈斯汀: Abandoned Subdivision in Lithonia
JaM賈斯汀: Abandoned Subdivision in Lithonia
JaM賈斯汀: Abandoned Subdivision in Lithonia
JaM賈斯汀: Abandoned Subdivision in Lithonia
JaM賈斯汀: "While you're up on the hill in your big home
JaM賈斯汀: I'm out here riskin' my dome"
JaM賈斯汀: Him:We can have this pissing battle if you want to, I'll win-Me:You're winning the pissing battle of pissing me off!
JaM賈斯汀: Whats the difference between me and you?