jamminjj: Homegrown fried green tomato grilled cheese sandwich on rosemary sourdough.
jamminjj: photo 3
jamminjj: My oldest and most favorite pair of socks.
jamminjj: Lobster ravioli and green beans for dinner. Yum.
jamminjj: Lea made a friend!
jamminjj: Whispering in the Wolf Ears in front of the library.
jamminjj: The faces of ncsu.
jamminjj: We seem to have a pen problem!
jamminjj: Our kiddo is lucky to have two awesome aunts! Thanks Currburr and Lee Lee Bell!
jamminjj: Enjoying breakfast and the cool weather.
jamminjj: We found a signed Weird Al kids book at the store around the corner!
jamminjj: Found a crosswalk snack.
jamminjj: Pet the goose!!
jamminjj: #yesplease
jamminjj: Discovered this beautiful spot only 5 minutes from where I live.
jamminjj: Sauted chard bed, brocolli, fish and homemade pico de Gallo.
jamminjj: Lovely skeleton of death.
jamminjj: Three golden squirrels worshiping a sink hole?
jamminjj: An absolutely amazing breakfast burger. Egg, bacon, hashbrowns, and maple syrup.
jamminjj: My door art
jamminjj: Deadly?
jamminjj: Vino from this weekend
jamminjj: So... we found this on the trace yesterday.
jamminjj: Making green tea ice cream #brewsbluesbbqs
jamminjj: Only slightly colorful color run tshirt
jamminjj: Warrior
jamminjj: Giant angry birds!
jamminjj: Sunday night
jamminjj: Oh, hello, sunday
jamminjj: Snow crab nom