Luis Yupanqui: CU-11-0500
Luis Yupanqui: CU-11-0380
Luis Yupanqui: CU-11-0377
Bhon Yuprasert (Benz): Dania Zarr: Such A Gem Reroot and Restyle hair
Poupée Chinoise: Reckless Rayna Ahmadi
F_Nika: Jett Dark Romance
Sylvanako: Sylvanian Families - Christmas with the Yule family
toomanypictures1: Day of the Dead Convention Doll 2018
PruchanunR.: Fashion Royalty Kumi High Frequency
Bhon Yuprasert (Benz): Mademoiselle Eden& Villains Lilith(Ooak)
PruchanunR.: The Mermaid Barbie OOAK doll . Kawin Tan Gown
f_fulvia67: A-Z Challenge 3.0: C - camuflage
f_fulvia67: A-Z Challenge: E -Everythig '80s. For a teenage girl living in Milan '80s are basically 3 thing: PASTEL COLORS (Oh, so many of them, randomly put toghether, the more pastels the better!) THE NAY OLEARI POSTINA (the dream of every teenager, Nay Oleari was
f_fulvia67: A-Z Challenge: F - frozen
dragonella2010: Agnes witches ♠️♠️
Kawin Tan: Fashion Royalty Rayna Go Home
Mr-Royalty: Annik
oasis2609: Fresh Perspective Agnes Von Weiss
♥ SineVoce ♥: Linette. Still Autumn but... Christmas is coming❤️💕
♥ SineVoce ♥: Habitat...
♥ SineVoce ♥: Habitat...
♥ SineVoce ♥: So young...
Deejay Bafaroy: Coming home (at the airport)