philsfotos1: Blackburnian Warbler
Podsville: Dinos
Austin H.: Whooping Cranes
JohnGerlach Photography: Bison web 2A0A1923 5x7 300dpi - Copy
JohnGerlach Photography: Lower fall 5 stacked images done - Copy
Walking penguin: Emerald Lake
Matthias.Kahrs: Singdrossel (Turdus philomelos)
Through The Big Lens: Northern shrike
Valentin Vuichard: SF_IMG_7686 - ChA_001 - Les Traverses, alpine pasture farm, Gruyère region - Switzerland
david marle: Spiney-Cheeked Honeyeater
Grand-Rhino: Willow the Labradoodle
integrity - curiosity - authenticity: You won't be able to escape
Through The Big Lens: Short eared owl
salinassteph: DSC_0468
Smith, Greg: Northern Harrier, Pt. Mouillee, Monroe County
Smith, Greg: Henslow's Sparrow, Sharonville SGA, Washtenaw County
Smith, Greg: 20150807-DSC_1890
DetroitDerek Photography ( ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ): Bad Magic ( Motorhead are coming to Detroit )
Matthias.Kahrs: Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
david marle: Superb Blue Wren
Alan Wennington: Another morning, Another breakfast