James L Pearson: 'Poisonous' - 5x4 Wet Plate Collodion Ambrotype
James L Pearson: Cactus Macro (5x4 Ambrotype)
James L Pearson: Studio Portrait - 10x8 Tintype
James L Pearson: Escape - 5x4 Tintype
James L Pearson: Twisted Tree - 5x4 Tintype
James L Pearson: Josh on FP4+
James L Pearson: Lynsey Loves Tea
James L Pearson: Lynsey - Introvert
James L Pearson: My Dad - 10x8 Ambrotype
James L Pearson: A homemade lens box for transporting lenses
James L Pearson: Marion Camera Transport Box
James L Pearson: My First 10x8 Ambrotype (Scan)
James L Pearson: My First 10x8 Ambrotype (in the rinse tray)
James L Pearson: My plate rack for large plates is finished! (Except for the varnish) I'm really pleased with it. That's a 10x8 plate on it. #MarionCamera #wetplatecollodion #NoviceWoodworker
James L Pearson: Marion Camera Test - Contact Print from 10x8 Paper Negative (5 second exposure!)
James L Pearson: Marion Camera is now tripod mounted!!
James L Pearson: A tripod mount for #MarionCamera
James L Pearson: The parts required to tripod mount Marion Camera
James L Pearson: First test of my newly homemade dark cloth
James L Pearson: New groundglass on Marion Camera
James L Pearson: New ground glass for Marion Camera complete! :-)
James L Pearson: Part way through grinding a new groundglass
James L Pearson: Silicon Carbide 400F
James L Pearson: Let's grind the glass!
James L Pearson: Preparing to ground some glass for Marion Camera's new focus screen
James L Pearson: Marion Camera needs a new focus screen
James L Pearson: New felt light seals for the slides Marion Camera
James L Pearson: Some repairs to the Marion Camera plate holders
James L Pearson: Mum on Glass