Matthijs Borghgraef | Kwikzilver:
New Babylon by Meyer Van Schooten Architects
Ken Lee 2010:
Book Mountain Library, Spijkenisse, The Netherlands
Stuart MacFarlane:
Santi Cazorla plays against the Jnr Gunners
Montague Projects:
dbg265 – 11/24/09
Ken Lee 2010:
The Synagogue, Jewish Community Center Mainz, Germany
emma lagunday:
Matthijs Borghgraef | Kwikzilver:
TBWA Amsterdam
diamond geezer:
Harpa, Reykjavik
Hagen Stier:
Ken Lee 2010:
Triangel Mensa, Leonberg, Germany
*-*-*-*-*-* Philippe Brysse:
Canopy in Seville, Spain by Arch. J. Mayer H.
*-*-*-*-*-* Philippe Brysse:
Canopy in Seville by Arch. J. Mayer H.
*-*-*-*-*-* Philippe Brysse:
Ken Lee 2010:
Cafeteria, La Biennale di Venezia, Italy
tomasz lewandowski:
Diego Viana Gomes:
Really, I don´t know what i´ll name this one
Ken Lee 2010:
宝積寺駅, Hoshakuji station, Tochigi, Japan
Ken Lee 2010:
ちょっ蔵広場, Chokkura plaza, Tochigi, Japan
Ed Bensink:
05b Roa. Consejo Regulador D.O. Ribera del Duero Barozzi-Veiga 37212
39 Museo ABC Madrid 36011
hansn (9 Million Views):
Shiny Like a Coin I
hansn (9 Million Views):
Shiny Like a Coin III
Ken Lee 2010:
春日井市 プロソリサーチセンター, GC Prostho Research Center, Kasugai City, Aichi, Japan
Wojtek Gurak:
Reina Sofia Museum Extension
Ken Lee 2010:
春日井市 プロソリサーチセンター, GC Prostho Research Center, Kasugai City, Aichi, Japan