jamesgrape: upload
jamesgrape: Bluebell action at Wakehurst
jamesgrape: Reflections from Pisa II
jamesgrape: Reflections from Pisa 1
jamesgrape: Even in darkest Portslade, it's been a beautiful evening.
jamesgrape: More bobbins
jamesgrape: upload
jamesgrape: From the birthday celebrations last Friday - posting now mainly because THEY HAVE WIFI ON THE PLANE
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jamesgrape: Pooh would love it here.
jamesgrape: Nice views views when the clouds clear
jamesgrape: Alice really likes ham
jamesgrape: Happy memories of a little feral foreigner friend in Parma
jamesgrape: Mornin
jamesgrape: Holidaying Italy: old friends, good food, beautiful cities, countryside and beaches - and not a group of armed policemen forcing a woman to disrobe in public to be seen
jamesgrape: Leaving Italy. A great place to live and work. If only we could be part of some kind of economic, political and human rights grouping with her. Y'know - try to make things better for everyone.
jamesgrape: upload
jamesgrape: Little summertime visitor
jamesgrape: And that was the last I saw of her...
jamesgrape: Killing time in the capital, waiting for my train(er). The coffee is good, the sarnies a mere quadruple their value. Mind you, what a scenic open-air dining facility.
jamesgrape: Augustus John at the National
jamesgrape: Juggle plonker, aged about 21 (or 8 and three quarters)
jamesgrape: Happy Valentine's x
jamesgrape: A nice wee surprise from Gute Stube in Darmstadt. Their family album, featuring the song we wrote and recorded in their lounge after the show - 'Fear of the Bark' - which became 'Fear of the Dark/Oh Polyanna' on the 'Miss You In The Days' deluxe album. Ah
jamesgrape: upload
jamesgrape: LouLou's new hairdo has proved somewhat controversial round this way.
jamesgrape: We knew our place.
jamesgrape: Got the crib looking pretty tasty too.
jamesgrape: Final day in Montenegro and I got my ride sorted. I'm calling her the Crying Dove.
jamesgrape: So this tired little fella came and sat on a rock next to me on Sunday. It was pretty quiet, but I think I heard him say the iPhone 6 camera really isn't all that shabby....