joshsisk: nolen of double dagger
frankie two thumbs: Double Dagger
Rui Palha: Simple People #15
niawag: so many cameras to capture the event
Arnold Pouteau's: Still no one on the bridge
slambo_42: Morning tea
alonsodr: The star and the fans
oreo.girl: Wet Nose
oreo.girl: sparkly slippers
kimprobable: me and derek's shadow
digital_don: IMG_3795
alonsodr: There is no return
prsphoto: Predawn Bloom
prsphoto: HDR Sunrise in Full Bloom
BkTs: supermouette
Théo +: Lights On The Bridge
.michaelchung: fast track
canadia-eh: barefoot on the beach
gms: Toward Castle
viv883: Malicki men
viv883: Cannon Ball
viv883: jumping on the beach
viv883: Bonita Beach
barnesie: Nugget checking things out
Danz in Tokyo: Story-of-a-Fallen-Leaf (Part 2)