[James]: Start of an 8 hour transit flight wait
[James]: Organiser staff (Sora) and me
[James]: DSC00534
[James]: DSC00536
[James]: Just outside my old office
[James]: Short short hair
[James]: James
[James]: It's me!!!
[James]: Inside one of the war tunnels
[James]: James and Alan
[James]: Motorcyclists
[James]: Lan Rung Restaurant, Vung Tau
[James]: IMG_0239
[James]: IMG_0158
[James]: AK-47 Firing range
[James]: IMG_0214
[James]: IMG_0116
[James]: Damaged American tank
[James]: Changing lenses
[James]: Readying my camera
[James]: Candid
[James]: A posed shot.....
[James]: Sharing a find
[James]: Concentrating on focusing.
[James]: Shooting across the street
[James]: Squeezing into the frame
[James]: The Gang
[James]: The group shot